Mobility and Cognition are Related. if you want to stay independent, Keep Your Body and Mind Healthy as You Age

Knee Function

The State Of Oregon did a long term study of mobility and cognition on folks over 65. They found that within ten years of developing a slow, cautious gait, for any reason, they developed cognitive decline– measurable cognitive decline.

The reasons given for the gait problems were the usual suspects: knee arthritis, a bad hip, a gouty ankle, persistent dizziness… It was a long list. It doesn’t seem to matter why a person is not walking properly. What mattered was that the mind goes when the body goes. Keeping the body functioning and moving prevents the cognitive decline.

What I want in my patient’s outcomes is simple: They should have a smooth, easy, persistent gait. This is what will guarantee the best health as they get older.

Knee pain and dysfunction are preventable.

The Tibia has to be squarely under the Femur for the best performance of the knee. This is an achievable goal, with proper care. In more than 3 decades of providing care to patients’ knees, I have found that misaligned Tibias are the major source of knee pain. This includes folks that have had multiple surgeries and knee replacements. In every case with a history of Orthopedic care, the patient did not get the Tibia aligned with the Femur. This is the source of knee arthritis. If you know the words “meniscus”, “cruciate” or “collateral’ you have suffered a misalignment or subluxation of the Tibia.

This can be a critical issue for independent living.
Couple walking and holding hands

Living in your own home is something most people do not think about until it becomes an issue. Having to move because of stairs or other features of the family home is not uncommon due to physical limitations. Staying mobile and fit to remain independent in your own home becomes vitally important. You might not think about it until you are about to lose it. Assisted living is a necessary option for some folks because of physical limitations. By the time most people are in their 70’s they should be doing something daily to keep fit and in shape to stay independent. If not, they are sliding into dependent living.

I say to patients, “Do you want to be living somewhere where dinner is at 5 every day and you can’t be late?” They all say no, they do not want that. I use this as motivation to get them moving. Walking an hour a day can keep you in your own home. That can be very challenging. First, your knees must be functioning properly. My book, Got Knee Pain? Where’s Your Tibia? teaches you how to asses and adjust your own knee so you can do this yourself, at home. Then, start walking. Start with 5 minutes if that is all you can do. Stay at 5 minutes for 7 days, on day 8 increase to 8 minutes. Stay at that for 7 days, increase incrementally. Be persistent, as if you want to stay in your own home.

Mobility and Cognition are Related. if you want to stay independent, Keep Your Body and Mind Healthy as You Age Read More »

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A Simple Change in Behavior can Help Stop Knee Pain

Knee Function
image of bad sitting habits which cause knee pain

1 in 4 adults suffer from knee pain. Our kindergarten students can squat without limit and our fifth graders cannot. Sitting in school shortens the muscles and ligaments of our hips, thighs and knees.

This shortening and tightening can cause injury later as the inflexibility causes injury to the joints from improper mechanics. If your knees are bent all the time, in the long term, you will have trouble straightening your knees. In my book, Got Knee Pain? Where is Your Tbia? I mention the Cartesian monks, who pray on their knees 16 to 18 hours a day (Into Great Silence, a documentary by Philip Gröning). After a few years they cannot walk properly. They cannot straighten their knees. 

More than 20 years ago I had a 65-year-old morbidly obese woman come into my office with terribly swollen knees. She denied trauma, but they were very painful to touch. We wrapped her knees in ice for 20 minutes just to do the evaluation. She had significantly posterior tibias.  I asked if she had a history of falls; she said no. I asked her she had a history of motor vehicle accidents; she said no.  So asked her if she did any gardening or kneeling and she said she was a Catholic nun, and had been kneeling to pray daily since she was 16. I said, “I am not a theologian, but I’m pretty sure that this is not required. Can you do your praying seated instead of on your knees?”

After two weeks of adjustments along with this small change in behavior her legs and knees were normal. If you have knee pain, take a look at what you are doing on a daily basis to cause the injury. It seems like such a simple thing, but I constantly find that few people stop to think about it.

image of bad sitting habits which cause knee pain
Do not sit like this

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