Frequently Asked Questions

What does “Digital Download” mean?

It’s a book or file that is available for download. Our titles are downloadable PDF format texts that are exactly like the printed copies, except they are made for viewing on a computer monitor or a handheld device. We offer both printed and digital formats.

Do you offer refunds?

Unfortunately, once you have made a purchase of our digital downloads, we cannot refund your payment. Our digital download material is priced much lower than the printed copies and we are sure you will be pleased with your purchase.

Where do I get printed copies?

Please visit the details for each title we offer. You can find info on ordering there.

How does the download work?

Once you have made your payment, you will receive a receipt with a download link. The link is valid for 24 hours, and some books are quite large, so be sure that you have ample time and bandwidth to download the file before you complete your download.

I have a Question for Dr. Ruch. How do i contact him?

Dr. Ruch would love to hear from you! Visit the Contact page to send a message. Dr. Ruch would be happy to address questions or comments regarding his techniques.

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