About Postura Press Creator & Author • William J. Ruch, DC

Dr. William Ruch

Dr. Ruch founded North Oakland Chiropractic Clinic in 1987, dedicating over 36 years to the art of gentle chiropractic care. With innovative techniques, he safely treats diverse conditions, including post-surgery cases, osteoporosis, hyper-mobility and anxiety-related issues. He is working to document the connection between hypermobility, insomnia, anxiety and the over-stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Having retired from teaching in 2023, Dr. Ruch is celebrated for his contributions to chiropractic literature.

Throughout his career, he’s spoken at numerous chiropractic conferences, taught healthcare seminars, authored scientific articles, written chapters for and published numerous photographs in several textbooks. His 2nd edition textbook, Atlas of Common Subluxations of the Human Spine and Pelvis,‘ is a revered reference in the chiropractic community. He published a second textbook, Advanced Adjusting Techniques, in addition to two self-help books on adjusting:  The Level Pelvis Method: For Pregnancy & Birthing Ease and Got Knee Pain? Where’s Your Tibia?.

Dr. Ruch’s commitment to pain relief and improving the standard of care led to the creation of Postura Press, republishing his works worldwide in multiple languages, both digitally and in paperback formats.

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