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Atlas of Common Subluxations Front Cover

Level Pelvis Method Front Cover


The Body Has a Building Code.

The need to modify my technique was made clear to me with my first patient in my new office in 1987. She was 36-years-old, walked with a cane, had persistent swollen legs and ankles, had not liked the “cracking” type of manipulation and was now giving up on the Activator Technique as ineffective.

Before I went to the chiropractic college, I was in the residential remodeling business. I was a superintendent of construction for a large firm. I knew all the trades, having worked my way up the ladder (ahem), so although I no longer had my tool belt on, I was telling people what to do. I had critical thinking skills, and it was now time to apply them.

How not to sit.

A Simple Change in Behavior can Help Stop Knee Pain

Our kindergarten students can squat without limit and our fifth graders cannot. Sitting in school shortens the muscles and ligaments of our hips, thighs and knees.

This shortening and tightening can cause injury later as the inflexibility causes injury to the joints from improper mechanics. If your knees are bent all the time, in the long term, you will have trouble straightening your knees….


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